In 2023 we are ditching the lazy girl habits for boss girl habits. This is going to increase productivity, level us up, make us more money, and make us one step closer to our goals. Boss girl mentality means owning it and we can’t do that with lazy habits.
In this article, we will go over 17 habits of a boss girl and get rid of any bad habits holding you back!
1. Creating Lists and Written Plans
This point is #1 because it is the most important and overlooked. Have you ever gotten through the day doing “so much,” but you feel like you didn’t actually get anything done at all? Yeah, me too.
Creating lists and getting it actually written down will majorly increase your productivity. Set your top 3 priorities and your “must get dones.” Then, write down the quick items you can get done in less than five minutes. Lastly, write down 2 things you would love to get done if you had enough time.
You can use this list to time block in your calendar or planner. Don’t forget to include some time for yourself to go through and answer any emails. But not too much time because you can really get lost in those.
Having a written plan and sticking to it is every “boss girl’s” successful action. You need to create positive habits to get to that next level. Ditch the lazy girl mentality because it’s not getting you anywhere.
2. Cellphones are keeping you lazy
Cellphones ARE keeping you lazy. TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube are very good at their job and they want to get you hooked. Lazy girls wake up and scroll, and scroll during the day, and get home and sit on the couch and turn on Netflix and continue to scroll.
Boss Girls wake up and get shit done. Boss girls have social media time limits. They go on social media while they’re doing 12-3-30. When they get home, they prep for the next day so they have time to get ready in the morning. Be her and show up like her. Don’t show up to work unprepared because you spent your night scrolling.
3. Make Vitamin D your medicine
You might not love to hear it, but how much do you actually get outside? Probably not as much as you would like. If you think you don’t have time, think again. Change the things you are saying to yourself. Instead, ask yourself how you can make time.
You could go on a walk at lunch after eating quickly. You can take a walk when you get home or when you wake up. You can even take your computer outside for 15 minutes and stand in the sun. Vitamin D is going to make you feel better and make you have more energy. Boss Girl’s get out in the sun and don’t deprive themselves.
4. Enough with the victim mindset
Another thing you might not want to hear, but if nobody is going to say it to you, I will. There is one major difference between the boss girl that gets things done and the victim who complains about why their life isn’t the way they want it to be. It’s the victim mentality. Honestly, you are not going to be a boss with that mentality at all.
And even if you aren’t doing it for anyone else, do it for yourself. Do it so that you can level up. You might be surprised at what you find. But your life will start turning around and trending upward when you can own it and take control.
5. Stop seeking approval
This concept is not hard to understand but harder to execute. When you stop thinking about what everyone around you thinks about what you are doing, you are going to take the risks. You will take the next step toward your dream and level up.
No boss girl got that way because they were thinking about what everyone else was thinking. They were bold. Boss girls take risks and don’t care how they look because they believe in themselves. If you are so concerned about what other people think, imagine what they would think if you took that risk and kept going and turned out on top.
6. Choose Your Battles
Choose your battles. Have you ever seen someone who could have easily been right and brought someone else down but chose not to? That is a boss girl. She is so confident in herself that she doesn’t feel the need to bring others down. She can be herself and let someone else be themselves. She lifts people up.
But on the other hand, she doesn’t let people walk all over her. Know your limits and what is okay with you and make sure you make others aware. They will respect you for it.
7. Romanticize Your Routines
Having and sticking to a routine will make your life so much easier and improve your wellbeing. Being all over the place is for the lazy girl. I keep seeing lazy girls all over TikTok being glamorized. But those aren’t the people who make it out on top. Those are the girls who go viral for a year and waste their life. Being a boss girl means sticking to it even when its rough.
8. Make your bed
It is no surprise that every motivational video or “that girl” video has you making your bed. That’s because it actually works. Being able to get one thing done in the morning before you leave the house sets your day up for success.
Productivity is the accomplishment of obstacles toward a known goal. That is one thing you can accomplish to make you one step closer to achieving your goals. And, it’s so nice to come home to a nice clean bed at the end of a long day.
Start your day off with something you know for certain you can accomplish. Set your day up for that kind of success and be the boss girl that gets things done as soon as she wakes up.
9.Have your workouts written out or prepared
Nothing is worse than getting to the gym, not being prepared, not feeling motivated, doing the bare minimum, and going home. In girl math, you wasted your whole gym session. So instead, have them planned out. Write them down in your notes or calendar and stick to it. You will feel a lot more accomplished.
10. Have one reset day a week (eg. clean your place)
You might feel like you want to go-go-go, but that is going to burn you out. It’s all about balance. “That girl” needs her rest and relaxation just as much as her productivity.
11. Go on walks / get your steps in (just, walk, go outside)
If you can’t make it to the gym, go on a walk. Even if you can make it to the gym, go on a walk. Walking is so good for your circulatory system and your mind. Getting out of an indoor space and just looking around you is a good start. I’m not asking you to walk for an hour or run a marathon but you do need to get out as part of your routine and self-care if you want to reach that boss girl status.
12. Treat yourself (eg. buy yourself your fav drink, self care)
As much as we love our routines and budgets, treating yourself is just as important. In the end, what is it all worth if you don’t give yourself a reward? Treating yourself is a reward for the hard work. Even if it is grabbing a starbucks or having a dessert, you deserve something.
13. Stop watching, listening and hanging around stupid things and people.
This is one of those things that you think “duh,” but you are probably guilty. The people you surround yourself with are the people who are influencing you the most. Find a group or find people that inspire you and bring you up. Those negative and lazy people are holding you back more than you think. It is not worth it.
14. Create a vision board to look at every morning
Even if you don’t believe in manifesting, there is something to say about visualizing the life you want and being inspired to act on it. We can all think of what we wish we could have but when we are reminded every day of our dreams and goals, we will be inspired to take action.
15.Repeat positive affirmations
Repeating positive affirmations is so powerful. Even if you don’t believe in what you are saying, repeat it until you do. One day, you WILL make it happen. If you are reading this, you already have that fire in you that wants more. Act on that desire and get what you deserve. You are not going to want to look back and think, “what if?” Boss girls have to believe in themselves before everyone else will.
16. Do the work towards your goal
This seems self explanatory, but you actually need to DO things to get what you want. Yes, vision boards and positive affirmations are going to help. But, if you never do anything, it isn’t going to happen.
Try writing out your 1, 3, and 10 year goals. Then, add action steps and dates that will set out a roadmap for you to achieve those goals. You will then have a written plan of action to reach your dreams and you are one step closer to them.

17. Want it as bad as you want to breathe
This last point is that you need to want it as bad as you want to breathe. It is very rare to see people who have what they want by accident or lack of hard work. Even the kid who inherits it all will likely blow it if they don’t want success bad enough.
You have to live, sweat and breathe your dream. Want it as bad as you want life and I have no doubt that you will get there. Boss girls will succeed.