In 2023 we are leveling up our personal habits as well as our work habits to increase our productivity and make more money! Work habits can be easy to form with practice.
In this article, we will go over the work habits of a boss girl and get rid of any bad habits holding you back!
1. Good Work Habits
Developing good work habits will take you far in your career and set you apart from others. Without them, you might end up going from job to job and feeling lost. With them, you will feel more productive at work and in life. At first, you might not even notice them, but they will start to add up and make you more confident in your job.
Time Management
To start, your first good work habit should be time management. This is the most crucial habit. Are you on time for work? Do you regularly show up early for meetings? All of these little points add up. Timeliness is not only important, but it is a sign of respect that you value the other person’(s) time as well.
Saving the Gossip
While it may be super fun to gossip and hear about everything going on in and outside the office, it is not going to help you get ahead and is a bad habit that is going to look bad. If your employer or manager is hearing you gossip, they are not going to want to promote you in the future. Bosses and executives are usually not the ones who are going to gossip. So, even though it is fun now, it will lead to a bad reputation. Being an executive involves fairness and being impartial, therefore you cannot be speaking negatively about others behind their back.
The easiest way to be treated like a child in the workplace is to act like one. Gossip can damage your reputation. Even if you are partaking in gossip with a co-worker one time, they will think that they can come to you in the future and talk about it.
Another point that is often overlooked is gossiping about clients or people that you work with. If you are going to, do it in private. It will damage company culture and be looked down upon by superiors to talk negatively about clients. You are setting an example in the workplace whether you are the top executive or have an entry level position.
Be Responsive
Answering all of your emails may be at the bottom of your list, but acknowledging your co-workers, clients and boss’ communication can go a long way. The number one reason that I see communication not answered is because you don’t want to mark it as read and forget. That is fine. Let them know that you have received their email and mark it as read.
Someone will not know if you have seen the email or text if you don’t respond and it can make you seem unprofessional and like you don’t care. Letting them know you have received their email or text and letting them know that you are working on it will show that you are on top of it and will lead to getting you a promotion.
Monthly Planning
This is a very important task in any job or work environment. Monthly planning can contribute to your overall success, even as a business owner. Most people get lost day to day or week to week. Having an overall plan for the month allows you to see what you need to do over a longer period of time and therefore get more done. When you don’t have this, you can easily fall behind or get stuck in the day to day and not reach your full potential.
The people who move up the line the quickest are the ones who not only do their job but grow their division or section to new heights. People who do what they are supposed to do and more get promotions and make more money. That is just a fact.
2. Work Skills Anyone Can Do
Skill Improvement
Working on your skill improvement is a valuable asset to you and your company. Most fields nowadays have to do with technology. Technology is ever changing and evolving. When you learn valuable skills that will give you a better understanding and keep your knowledge ahead of the curve, you become an indispensable asset to the company.
It is true that anyone can hire anyone who is good at SEO. But if you are an existing employee working in marketing who takes it upon themselves to learn SEO by watching various Youtube videos and test it out, you are going to grow with that company and you will be far more valuable to them than anyone they hire.
Planning Your Next Day
When you get to work and have your daily plan mapped out, you are so much farther ahead than anyone else. You can get straight to work and will be so much more productive. It is wise to end every day with writing out your plan for the next day so that you will be so much more prepared than you would have been without that.
Learn to Deal With the Unexpected
Every employee can develop this habit. In life and work, there will always be ups and downs. Something unexpected is bound to happen multiple times in your career. Keep that in mind when it does happen. The employees who get freaked out at the simple little things do not last. If you learn to deal with changes and see how you can benefit from them, you can ensure your success in the long run.
3. What Are Employable Skills?
These are the top skills I look for in any interview.
Willingness to learn
Willingness to adapt
Problem Solving
Communication Skills
How they get along with others
If they enjoy a busy work environment
How they are with Change
All of these points have to be in alignment with the rest to be considered for a job. As well as how they are with our company culture. When you hire a bad apple that nobody gets along with, it really brings the morale down. Being able to mingle and get along with your coworkers is a top priority for you and for them. You are with your co-workers every single day for most of your life so you might as well get along with them. All of these skills are work-habits that you can begin to develop at any stage in your career.
4. Workplace Habits To Practice
All of the above habits are important to practice to ensure that you will be successful in any company. Organization, time management, and personal growth and adaptability are the foremost important qualities to focus on.
These skills do not happen overnight and you will have to create habits that work for YOU. Not every person has the time for a 10 step work morning routine, but you can find little habits like setting up for your next day when you leave work. Find what works for you and stick to it. Start with one habit and build up. Read the book Atomic Habits for more tips and tricks on that.
Nobody expects perfection from you. These habits and routines are only going to push you further and show your commitment and dedication. They are going to boost your productivity and confidence in yourself.
5. Working Habits To Get You Promoted
The fastest way to get promoted is to put in the extra work as well as get real products. What do we mean by products? We mean something successfully produced that adds value. “Work” is not a product. I would rather have someone who gets more products out than someone who “works” all day. Talking about working and doing actions don’t matter unless they result in something useful or helpful.
So, if I was looking to get promoted the first thing I would do would be spending the extra time to get more products out. And promote my accomplishment of those products to my boss.
They will not give you a gold medal for doing your job but they also don’t know if you are going above and beyond unless you make that known to them.
A work habit that will help you with production is writing to do lists and getting everything done on that list. Writing out the list will help you get organized and give you a good plan of what needs to be done.
Sticking to the list and crossing everything off gives you the written record to report everything awesome you did to your boss.
6. Good Habits In Life That Encourage Good Work
Managing the work-life balance can be tough at times, but it is made easier with habits implemented in your everyday life that make work habits even better. Let’s dive into this curated list of habits that transition from personal life directly into the business realm.
Time Management
Mastering the art of time management is essential. Balancing you work, social life, and personal development requires a strategic approach. Using calendars and planner to schedule tasks, set realistic deadlines, and prioritize activities will greatly enhance your productivity.
Continuous Learning
Embracing a mindset of continuous learning will ensure your success in life and work. The best way to go about this is to find topics you are interested in and learn more about them. Maybe you are interested in making more money and want to learn how to build a wordpress website. Or maybe you are interested in learning about knitting and decide to sell them on etsy to enhance your business skills. Anything that captures your interest should be explored to enhance your abilities.
Physical and mental well-being
You are a reflection on the outside of how you feel on the inside. Dedicated and responsible people are able to have discipline to get exercise as well as eat nutritious food. When you don’t have discipline, it shows outwardly. Prioritize your self care to maintain your peak performance.
Effective Communication
Cultivate strong communication skills. Whether articulating ideas to colleagues or negotiating with clients, being clear, concise and assertive is key. This habit results in confidence and establishes a strong professional presence.
Networking and Relationship Building
Investing time into building a diverse professional network can greatly set you ahead and increase your opportunities. It is an amazing work habit as well as personal habit to get yourself out of your comfort zone. Meaningful and lasting relationships open doors to opportunities, professional growth, and valuable insights like never before.
Financial Literacy
One of the best habits to have is financial literacy. Budgeting, saving, and investing wisely can provide you with a solid financial foundation making your life easier as well as enabling better decision making in work and life.
Goal Setting and Planning
Set clear, achievable goals for yourself personally and professionally. These should include short-term immediate goals as well as long-term goals. Doing this will provide you with a roadmap that will inevitably lead to your success. This habit instills purpose, motivation, and a sense of direction in both personal and professional pursuits.